Sunday, December 30, 2007

The one that leaked...

"last night's floetry was inspiringly amazing. your words have made an impact & will allow these kids to do something good in their lives for once. i pray you don't stop what you do because your passion and (fucking funny) sense of humour has kept a lot of us going even till today. thank you for being an inspiration to a lot of malay youths nowadays" -from your biggest fan of 4 years and counting, Ema.

Ema wrote this down on MSN and it gave me the motivation to do more shows next year. So, thank you Ema. *big hug*

Floetry was good. I'm not saying this because its my event, but the idea that I had for Floetry was there last night. Still there are things I wish I could stop the acts from doing or things that should be done. But its all good though. There were more audience too by the way. Highlight of the show was when I called up Ekhwan aka Pendekar.xs to freestyle and he just went wild. Everybody paid attention to him as if like he was giving a sermon. I did a song called 'Bass Man' which is in my album and I loved it. Sadly, Floetry will take a break in January, but for sure it will come back with a big bang.

Pictures from last week's event is up. Click on the picture below to view all. If you have a myspace account, its on my myspace too. :)

I did my new Malay track at my launch last week. Some people think its weird to hear me singing/rapping in Malay. A lot of people gave me positive comment about the song. Personally, i love the song. Haha! The song by the way is leaked on, but dont worry i'm not mad or anything. It feels good to know that people are eager to hear my stuff and share it with others. But please, if you like the song, support me and buy my album. Thats all i'm asking for. Niwae for those who have not heard the song, Aku Masih, click here. Enjoy! :)

Tomorrow I will be performing at Esplanade with Peepshow, 7.00pm and then I'll head down to Woodlands at 8.00pm and I'll be there till the party stops! Happy new year everyone! Fymps! Fymps! Fymps!!

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