Friday, May 30, 2008

The one with emails...

Today marks the first week at my new work. I love the view outside my office, its so calming. I've got my own cubicle, but its directly in front of my boss's office. So I cant really surf the internet much. Wait, shit.. I'm suppose to work, so I must not access the internet. But its damn tempting. Haha! I've been checking emails like every 15 minutes, and when I dont get a reply, I get so nervous. Out-of-office auto-replys are the worst, they make me worry like hell. And when I do get a reply, I'll take the whole day sometimes, just to reply one. Now I know what it feels like when you're waiting for an email reply from someone. I wish my dad knows how to use email. He's still into letters and mails, which will take weeks to reach him.

I've already planned out all the shows I want to do in 2009. Cant wait to have a fresh new start in the new year. I'm becoming like an organized kiasu freak. I even went to Kinokuniya yesterday hoping to get a 2009 planner. One of the retail crew said, "but it's only 2008 what". Haha! Didnt expect that actually. So I ended up scribbling all the dates and things I need to do on a piece of paper. Now I dont know where it is.

I'm going to be 24 in two weeks time. Damn, I feel super old now. I need a quick getaway, Tioman perhaps, to release some stress with work. No not the new job, its the other work. My mind cant stop thinking about music and the scene. Need some clean white sandy beach with clear crystal water, while I chill and smoke melon-mint flavoured sheesha. Dont be surprise if you see some Tioman pictures up soon. Haha!

Tomorrow I have Floetry with Bless, Sleeq, GOD and Sweetwrappers performing. If anyone of you is free, do come to Earshot Cafe, The Arts House, 6.30pm. If you’re not free, then make yourselves free on 14th June, Saturday. 65 & Hope is celebrating its first anniversary and we’re having a small mini award show. Its going to be fun, so do come. More information will be up soon.

Damn its fun to blog from work. Haha! :D


simplyraihanxx said...

Rofl, you are funny! XD I know the e-mail feeling! Eys good luck for the shows ok, rock the house laa! Btw what e-amil do you use at work, I can e-mail you during school haha!

Anonymous said...

i didnt went for floetry but im gg for the event on th 14th. see you sooooon. (:

Zrfh said...

borders at wheelock happen to sell gr8 08/09 organisers. js thot u shud know. check it out! =)