Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The one with the treasure...

I am featured on the Noise Singapore blog. I dont know why, but I look really good in the picture. Haha! One of the best photos I've ever taken, thanks to Shino. It was used in so many articles and even on a huge poster last year near Tangs. And everytime someone asked for my photos, I'll email them a few but they would still pick this one out. Hehe! Well, if anyone saw the Berita Harian article about my show last December, you would probably laugh at me. That was an old picture ok, back in 2003 when members of Triple Noize were all thin. Niwae here's the blog about my involvement with Noise Apprenticeship Programme, and do add it to your favourites if you want to know more about Noise Singapore. http://noisesingapore.spaces.live.com

I watched National Treasure today. I really love the puzzles and I bet some of you know how much I love history. Of course most of them in this movie are fictional, but somehow I do think the US President keeps a journal, maybe not in a book. He could be using Blogger or Multiply. Haha! Diane Kruger looks older, miss the way she looked in Wicker Park. She was hot then. And what is wrong with Nicholas Cage's hair?! Niwae the plot is good, story and puzzles kept me on the edge of my seat and not wanting to go to the toilet but somehow it was a 'dumb dumb' movie. Smart yet boring at times. And to treasure hunt and not get the treasure, not so fun. Still the movie gives that popcorn fun, lots of action and generic sense of excitement.

1 movie to look forward to...

Isn't the robot adorable?! Waaaaaallllllllllllllllllll E! :D

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